Sunday 4 November 2012


We've been collecting a lot of things this autumn.   Beautiful treasures in our city spaces and we've had time to stop and look at the detail of each one.   The rings on the smooth surface of the chestnut coloured conker.    The fallen acorns nestled in their little cases, balanced on stick thin branches.   The leaves, turning from green to yellow, to orange and red and brown.   We're soaking up the colours before they go underground and we have to wait again.      

Monday 22 October 2012

lost days found

I had had a day that needed redeeming, so in the early evening light I went for a walk. This moment gave back to me what could have felt like a 'lost day'. The light was so beautiful, I was stopped in my tracks, and my day became a different one. 
A day with a moment of thankfulness and looking upwards.

I must take myself out of those kinds of 'lost' days more often, and stop and let my day be redeemed by the straightforward beauty of a moment.

Saturday 28 July 2012

field flowers

A fleeting moment, captured.   Delicate petals being examined as they blew in the wind.

Saturday 14 July 2012

deep seeing

The art of seeing deeply, giving thanks and knowing joy... 
such good things to be curled up in bed on a rainy summer saturday morning pondering. 

Sunday 1 July 2012

reaching for the moon

A perfect moon hung in the sky over the festival. A small child, held in his mothers arms next to us, was captivated. His little arms stretched out long, hands grasping, his wide eyes fixed on his goal - to touch the moon, take it in his hands and bring it close to himself. 

"It's no use" his mother said "he wants the moon!"

His determination and belief in the possibilty were so refreshing... 

Sunday 13 May 2012


Illegally picked from a museum garden : ( but I was totally disarmed when it was given to me with a great big smile & the words 'for you, mummy'.

Friday 3 February 2012

New Shadows

Moving to a new place - quite a journey to get here in many ways - but so thankful for moments like these, a crisp, cold afternoon and the light in our new home.