Monday 18 January 2016

the joy of uncertainty

Life is uncertain. For us all. 

It's just sometimes we are more acutely aware of it than others. I have a sick husband with an illness that has an unpredictable outcome. Life is uncertain. We have a growing little family and big decisions to make with a whole array of unknown answers to the questions that normally help you make decisions. 

Yet, there is joy in the uncertainty. Joy in being pushed, or coaxed, closer to God. Joy in not knowing and having to hope. Joy in having to trust in something other than ourselves.

It makes us grateful for what is certain. It strips away what doesn't seem to matter anymore and it makes us focus on the little things in each day that are simple, beautiful, and as sure as the ground under our feet. 

We are certain of love, warmth, daily bread, friends, family, the sun when is shines, God, Faith and Hope. And for these things we are grateful. Each day.