Tuesday 26 November 2013


I was walking home at high speed with a sleeping baby in buggy, wondering if I could quickly get home and race around a little, clean the bathroom, maybe make some muffins before he woke up. As the streets passed me by I kept glimpsing the sea... 

I was reminded of something said to me in the early busy days of trying to set up a new home here. "Remember to breathe Ali". It's so easy to find more seemingly important things to do. Even with this on our doorsteps, I often still have to choose to take time out of my day, put some chores on hold, get less done, and decide that in that moment, it's more important to walk the longer way home, and breathe a little looking out to sea. So I did. I breathed it all in for a short time. 

I need to remember to keep choosing to breathe. So simple.

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