Sunday 6 February 2011

cookies, kindness and grace

This week has seemed such a contrast between gentle grace that flows into your life without great announcement and makes you smile deeply as you ponder it again and again, enjoying the moments as they catch you once more, and severe ungrace that rudely slaps you in the face when you are least expecting it and leaves you shaken and speechless.

 So I thought I would capture the grace and kindness moments, that I was reflecting on last night while I was making a tower of cookies! Its a simple story really, but it reminded me that life can be simple and full of exchanges of grace and kindness. I have been given a sofa, that was for sale, but Becca decided to give to me. She said they were happy it was going to someone who would cherish it. I certainly will cherish it... so many sofa momemts to be had. But I had to find a way of getting it from hers to mine, so I asked Jamie. He refused the offered money for the use of his van. He is such a very kind man of integrity and didnt feel he could 'hire out' his van. So I said I would make him a big yummy lasagne, which I did last night. I had so much fun - lashings of cheese and spinach and lentils and tomatoes layered into a feast, imagining him enjoying it! And for Becca and Martha, Sam and Zac I have made towers of cookies, which I put into jars with ribbons. 

Its a simple story, but it has blessed my week. Simply, but beautifully. It felt like little exchanges of  time, kindness and grace, in a week where there maybe wasnt lots of that elsewhere. I treasured those thoughts as I made the cookies.... and remembered a verse from Romans that says "hold tightly to what is good..." It really is ok to cherish the good. And sometimes we have to cling to it.

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